Although I don't know Lorriane and never met Chrissie, something happened when we were in Russia and their family was the first thing I thought of. This is what I sent to Lorraine:
I started following your blog just prior to Chrissie’s surgery. Since I wasn’t familiar with her story I looked through the archives and couldn’t help but smile. Just by looking at her pictures and video I can say with absolute confidence that she was completely filled with joy! If you look up happiness in the dictionary you will see her picture. :-) I knew that was because she had been adopted into a loving family. We prayed and prayed while she was in the hospital and felt heartbroken when she left this earth. There was no way for me to begin to imagine your grief.
About two months later we were in Russia for our first trip in the adoption process. Although the children had been here the summer before we really never learned much about their medical history. The first thing the orphanage director said was “you know about I’s heart condition, right?” No, we didn’t! My heart stopped and I instantly felt fear and panic. Not knowing what we’re dealing with really didn’t make me question whether we’d continue with the adoption, because that was a given. Although, it did make me wonder if our situation was going to be like yours. I questioned whether we were setting ourselves up for unimaginable grief. I doubted whether we could handle that.
Then my thoughts turned to Chrissie and her undeniable joy! I think she was trying to remind me that it wouldn’t be about the possibility of heartache, but instead the guarantee of happiness. It wouldn’t be about a scary medical diagnosis with an unknown prognosis, but instead the blessing of living life aware of just how precious it is. Because of Chrissie I realized it wouldn’t be about giving of ourselves and resources, but instead receiving an endless amount of love and joy. I realized that it wouldn’t be about an earthly future of unimaginable loss and grief, but instead a future with a direct connection to an angel in Heaven.
There is still a lot we don’t know about I’s heart condition and we’re praying it isn’t severe, but thanks to Chrissie I’ve been able to feel peace. We don’t know the future; only God does. We do know that these children are meant to experience the love and joy of a family…and we are that family!
Thanks again to all who have donated and are helping to spread the word! The iPad raffle continues the rest of this week. By making a donation in any amount your name will be entered to win the iPad! :-) Donations can be made with a paypal account or a credit/debit account through this ChipIn widget. If you'd like to make a donation by check instead, then please contact me at japplin at buckeye-express dot com.

Please scroll down to read more about the amazing week and a half we've had in this adoption journey...or should I say faith journey :-)
It's a touching story and one that hopefully ends with you celebrating this Christmas with your two newest children. I have also been so touched by Chrissie's smile and her joy in having a forever family. Adoption has been a miracle in our lives too and I pray that you will be blessed as you go forward to answer God's call.