A little over a week ago I was trying to accept what was becoming more and more evident...that we wouldn't be able to bring the children home until the spring at the earliest. I felt devasted and like I have let these children down! They have waited for us to come and bring them home ever since they returned to Russia 14 months ago. If we don't bring them home until the spring that will be about 19 months they will have waited to return to the home and family they are missing. They know they have parents here waiting to give them more hugs and kisses than they can stand. They have siblings ready to resume their games of chase, reading stories and playing with toys. There are tubs ready for bubble baths, comfortable beds with warm blankets and cupboards full of food so they'll never feel hungry again. There is a large group of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins ready to welcome them into the family. There is a large supportive community and a great church that lives by the Gospel and goes to great lengths caring for "the least of these." There is even Max who is waiting for his friends from the orphanage to start arriving and join him in his new life. While it has been very difficult for us to wait, their waiting has been much worse!
These are the thoughts I was consumed with last week. You see the Russian courts shut down for most of December and January. We were told that we need the last of our paperwork and the rest of the money within about 2-3 weeks to be able to get a court date before they close. We were faced with two huge obstacles. The first was getting back our final FBI clearance. They are no longer expediting them for adoptions. We were told not to do them until after our first trip, otherwise they may expire before court. It was beginning to look like they were going to arrive too late to still be able to get a court date yet this year. A friend passed on a number to call and check. The man on the phone sounded sympathetic when I explained why we needed them ASAP and he said we should have them in about two weeks. Then yesterday I noticed that our account was charged the fee to process the clearance. I'm praying that this means it will be sent out soon and we'll receive it on time. So I'm feeling good about the first hurdle.
That means raising the rest of the money we need may be the only thing stopping us from having an amazing Christmas with ALL of our family together. A week ago I would have said it was impossible. Yet, I kept hearing a little voice in my head saying "God can do this." Now here we are with the opportunity to raise the rest of the money we need through this raffle.
Please continue to spread the word about our fundraiser and pray that God will be glorified by this story! It's all Him! It has been the moment we said yes to adopting these children and will continue to be as we rely on Him for strength and guidance when we begin the new journey when our children come home. We believe that God doesn't call the equipped, but that he equips the called. We're trusting that his ways are always the best. :-)
If you'd like to participate in our fundraiser the details are easy. Make a donation in any amount and your name is entered to win the iPad. Donations can be made via this ChipIn widget with a paypal account or credit/debit card. If you'd like to make a donation by check please contact me at japplin at buckeye-express.com. We'll draw the winner's name the morning of October 16th. Thanks so much!

Praying that you raise your money and that those little ones come home!! Julia Nalle - www.covenantbuilders.blogspot.com